On Sunday, October 16 the Massoud Foundation Australia hosted a friendly soccer match between the Italians and the Afghanistan community. The game ended with a score of 2-0 for Italy. Many times during the match the Afghanistan team was very close to scoring a goal, but unfortunately, it just didn’t eventuate. We’ll do better next time!
Anyhow, the real winner of the day lies not so much in the score of the game but rather in the meaning of two communities getting together in the name of friendship and inclusion.
More than a hundred people came to watch the game and enjoy a delicious Afghan lunch on an unexpectedly warm and sunny day in Sydney.
The Australian Federal Police, members of the Green Party from Fairfield and Liverpool, and many members of Grandmothers for refugees attended the event and the president of the group, Gaby Judd, guest of honor of the day, gave a beautiful speech that was also translated into Farsi/Dari.
Luigi Di Martino, president of Comites, the Italian government body that represents Italians abroad, was there, as was Vittoria Pasquini from VDSA who sponsored the Massoud Foundation Team’s soccer gear. Silvia Greco from Amnesty International had petitioned to raise the intake of refugees.
Harry’s Farm donated two big boxes of delicious fresh fruit that indeed refreshed both players and the public.
We would like to thank our sponsors and supporters, The NSW government, AACASS, VDSA, Comites, Filef, CMRC, STARTTS, Amnesty International, Grandmothers for Refugees partners and our volunteers who made this event successful and joyful.
The Massoud Foundation is proud to be able to continue to sponsor events that promote values of integration and friendship between communities.
Find out more in pictures below: