Virtual Tour of Afghanistan and Australia
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This event is intended to bridge the gap between the people of Afghanistan and wider Australian communities by fostering a mutual understanding of one another’s cultural history through virtual screening of historical landmarks and sharing points of cultural significance.
Join in on the cinematic experience by joining us at the Blacktown Arts Centre on Saturday 29 October from 12 PM – 5 PM for this virtual screening, followed by delicious Afghan food and dessert.
Date and Time: Saturday 29 October from 12 PM – 5 PM
Venue: Leo Kelly Blacktown Arts Centre – 78 Flushcombe Rd, Blacktown NSW 2148
The aspect of Afghanistan:
- Ahmad Shah Massoud – The national hero of Afghanistan
- Buddhas of Bamiyan
- Koche Murghaa
- Pamir Mountain
- Band e Amir
The Aspect of Australia
- Central Adelaide Mosque
- Australian Landmarks (Uluru, Opera House, Harbour Bridge, Anzac Bridge)
- Afghan Cameleers
- Indigenous Australians
- Captain James Cook